Moline Public Library

The Moline Public Library was founded soon after the city of Moline was incorporated in 1872. While a lot has changed since then, the library’s commitment to providing public resources imperative to the growth and health of the community, including materials, information, and technology, has remained.

Moline Public Library’s mission is to inspire lifelong learning, create community and transform lives with quality resources and services. Always responding to the changing community need, Moline Public Library offers modern services, such as free Wi-Fi throughout the building and parking lot, a mobile app, and curbside pickup and books by mail. In 2021, the library significantly grew their World Languages collection for children and teens, as well as adding significant content to their digital collection, including Languages Other Than English.

Each month, the library hosts a wide variety of programs and events for all ages, including crafts, storytimes, and STEAM classes for kids; citizenship test preparation, art projects and STEAM classes for teens; tax aides, Self-Care Saturday, and live music performances for adults; and book clubs for people of all ages.

Moline Public Library regularly assesses the community’s needs through a formal strategic planning process. Each time, they learn what the library does well and how it can better meet the needs of Moline residents. Wastyn & Associates had the privilege of helping Moline Public Library create their last two strategic plans, including conducting focus groups, distributing and analyzing a survey of the community, and facilitating work sessions with the team and board. Out of their last strategic plan came improved marketing to let more people know about library services and expanded partnerships to work with more groups within the community. We can’t wait to see what comes from the most recent plan!

The Moline Public Library hired Linda Wastyn to facilitate development of our last two strategic plans. Linda’s strategic planning process is comprehensive and inclusive of all who wish to provide input. We appreciate her willingness to work with our staff, our Board of Trustees, and our many stakeholders in the community. Developing a strategic plan during the pandemic posed challenges, but Linda was flexible and kept the project focused and on a pace to completion. Her willingness to be there after the plan has completed, is reassuring. Working with Linda has always a positive experience and we would not hesitate to engage with her again on future projects.
— Bryon Lear, Library Director, Moline Public Library



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